Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 346

Question: What is ratio of surface energy of 1 small drop and 1 large drop, if 1000 small drops combined to form 1 large drop[CPMT 1990]


A) 100 : 1

B) 1000 : 1

C) 10 : 1

D)1 : 100

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Correct Answer: D


Volume of liquid remain same i.e. volume of 1000 small drops will be equal to volume of one big drop

$ n\frac{4}{3}\pi r^{3}=\frac{4}{3}\pi R^{3} $

$\therefore 1000r^{3}=R^{3} $

$\therefore $ R=10r $

$ \therefore \frac{r}{R}=\frac{1}{10} $

$ \frac{\text{surface energy of one small drop}}{\text{surface energy of one big drop}}=\frac{4\pi r^{2}T}{4\pi R^{2}T}=\frac{1}{100} $

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