Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 32

Question: 50 gm of copper is heated to increase its temperature by 10°C. If the same quantity of heat is given to 10 gm of water, the rise in its temperature is (Specific heat of copper = 420 Joule-kg?1 °C?1) [EAMCET (Med.) 2000]


A) 5°C

B) 6°C

C) 7°C

D) 8°C

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Correct Answer: A


Same amount of heat is supplied to copper and water so $ m _{c}c _{c}\Delta {\theta _{c}}=m _{W}c _{W}\Delta {\theta _{W}} $ therefore $ \Delta {\theta _{W}}=\frac{m _{c}c _{c}{{(\Delta \theta )} _{c}}}{m _{W}c _{W}}=\frac{50\times {{10}^{-3}}\times 420\times 10}{10\times {{10}^{-3}}\times 4200}=5{}^\circ C $

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