Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 313

Question: The adjoining diagram shows three soap bubbles A, B and C prepared by blowing the capillary tube fitted with stop cocks, S1, S2 and S3. With stop cock S closed and stop cocks S1, S2 and S3 opened [CPMT 1988]


A) B will start collapsing with volumes of A and C increasing

B) C will start collapsing with volumes of A and B increasing

C) C and A both will start collapsing with the volume of B increasing

D) Volumes of A, B and C will become equal at equilibrium

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Correct Answer: C


Excess pressure inside soap bubble is inversely proportional to the radius of bubble i.e. $ \Delta P\propto \frac{1}{r} $ This means that bubbles A and C posses greater pressure inside it than B. So the air will move from A and C towards B.

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