Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 256

Question: The thickness of the ice layer on the surface of lake is 20 m. A hole is made in the ice layer. What is the minimum length of the rope required to take a bucket full of water out? (Take density of ice =$ 0.9\times 10^{3}kg/m^{3} $ )


A) 2m

B) 5m

C) 9m

D) 18m

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Given that density of ice=$ \frac{9}{10}\times $

density of water, so only $ \frac{1}{10}th $ of ice will be outside the water.

This means that 20 $ \times \frac{1}{10}=2 $ m of ice layer will be above the water surface.

In other words, in the hole, the water level will rise up to 18m of the ice layer.

So minimum length of rope required =2 m.

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