Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 253

Question: Two holes are made in the side of the tank such that the jets of water flowing out of them meet at the same point on the ground. If one hole is at a height of 3 cm above the bottom, then the distance of the other hole from the top surface of water is


A) $ \frac{3}{2}cm $

B) $ \sqrt{6}cm $

C) $ \sqrt{3}cm $

D) $ 3cm $

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ x=\sqrt{2gh _{1}}\times \sqrt{\frac{2h _{2}}{g}} $

or $ x=2\sqrt{h _{1}h _{2}} $

Now imagine a hole at a depth $ h _{2} $ below the free surface of the liquid.

The height of this hole will be $ h _{1} $ clearly, x remains the same.

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