Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 247

Question: A soap bubble of radius R is blown. After heating the solution a second bubble of radius 2R is blown. The work required to blow the second bubble in comparison to that required for the first bubble is


A) Double

B)Slightly less than double

C)Slightly less than four times

D)Slightly more than four times

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Correct Answer: C


[c] work done to form a bubble of radius R $ W _{1}=8\pi R^{2}T _{1} $ .

Work done to form a bubble of radius 2R $ W _{2}=8\pi {{(2R)}^{2}}T _{2}=32\pi R^{2}T _{2}$

$\therefore \frac{W _{1}}{W _{2}}=\frac{T _{1}}{4T _{2}} $ .

If surface tension of soap solution is same, then $ W _{2}=4W _{1} $ .

But in the problem the temperature of solution is increased, so its surface tension decreases. $ \therefore W _{2}<4W _{1} $

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