Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 243

Question: A square plate of 0.1 m side moves parallel to a second plate with a velocity of O. 1 m/s, both plates being immersed in water. If the viscous force is 0.002 N and the coefficient of viscosity is 0.01 poise, distance between the plates in m is


A) 0.1

B) 0.05

C) 0.005

D) 0.0005

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ A={{(0.1)}^{2}}=0.01m^{2},\eta =0.01 $

poise = 0.001 decapoise (M.K.S. unit), $ dv=0.1m/s $

and $ F=0.002N $

$ F=\eta A\frac{dv}{dx} $

$ \therefore dx=\frac{\eta Adv}{F}=\frac{0.001\times 0.01\times 0.1}{0.002}=0.0005m $

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