Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 208

Question: Two water pipes of diameters 2 cm and 4 cm are connected with the main supply line. The velocity of flow of water in the pipe of 2 cm diameter is[MNR 1980]


A)4 times that in the other pipe

B)$ \frac{1}{4} $ times that in the other pipe

C)2 times that in the other pipe

D)$ \frac{1}{2} $ times that in the other pipe

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Correct Answer: A


$ d _{A}=2cm $ and$ d _{B}=4\ cm $

$ \therefore \ \ r _{A}=1\ cm $ and $ r _{B}=2\ cm $

From equation of continuity,av = constant

$ \frac{v _{A}}{v _{B}}=\frac{a _{B}}{a _{A}}=\frac{\pi {{(r _{B})}^{2}}}{\pi {{(r _{A})}^{2}}}={{\left( \frac{2}{1} \right)}^{2}}\Rightarrow v _{A}=4v _{B} $

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