Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 202

Question: A block of ice floats on a liquid of density 1.2in a beaker then level of liquid when ice completely melt[IIT-JEE 1994]


A) Remains same

B) Rises

C) Lowers

D) (a), (b) or (c)

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Correct Answer: B


The volume of liquid displaced by floating ice $ V _{D}=\frac{M}{{\sigma _{L}}} $

Volume of water formed by melting ice, $ V _{F}=\frac{M}{{\sigma _{W}}} $ If $ {\sigma _{1}}>{\sigma _{W}}, $

then, $ \frac{M}{{\sigma _{L}}}<\frac{M}{{\sigma _{W}}} $ i.e. $ V _{D}<V _{F} $

i.e. volume of liquid displaced by floating ice will be lesser than water formed and so the level if liquid will rise.

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