Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 195

Question: A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is being rotated about a vertical axis through the centre of the circular base. If the radius of the vessel is r and angular velocity of rotation is $ \omega $ , then the difference in the heights of the liquid at the centre of the vessel and the edge is


A) $ \frac{r\omega }{2g} $

B) $ \frac{r^{2}{{\omega }^{2}}}{2g} $

C) $ \sqrt{2gr\omega } $

D)$ \frac{{{\omega }^{2}}}{2gr^{2}} $

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Correct Answer: B


From Bernoulli’s theorem,

$ P _{A}+\frac{1}{2}dv _{A}^{2}+dgh _{A}=P _{B}+\frac{1}{2}dv _{B}^{2}+dgh _{B} $

Here,$ h _{A}=h _{B} $

$ \therefore \ P _{A}+\frac{1}{2}dv _{A}^{2}=P _{B}+\frac{1}{2}dv _{B}^{2} $

therefore $ P _{A}-P _{B}=\frac{1}{2}d[v _{B}^{2}-v _{A}^{2}] $

Now,$ v _{A}=0,\ v _{B}=r\omega $

and $ P _{A}-P _{B}=hdg $

$ \therefore \ \ hdg=\frac{1}{2}dr^{2}{{\omega }^{2}} $ or $ h=\frac{r^{2}{{\omega }^{2}}}{2g} $

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