Physics And Measurement Question 61

Question: The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as $ ( P+\frac{a}{V^{2}} )(V-b)=RT $ . Here $ P $ is the pressure, $ V $ is the volume, $ T $ is the absolute temperature and $ a,b,R $ are constants. The dimensions of $ ‘a’ $ are

[CBSE PMT 1991, 96; NCERT 1984; AFMC 1995]


A) $ ML^{5}{{T}^{-2}} $

B) $ M{{L}^{-1}}{{T}^{-2}} $

C) $ M^{0}L^{3}T^{0} $

D) $ M^{0}L^{6}T^{0} $

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Correct Answer: A


By principle of dimensional homogenity $ [ \frac{a}{V^{2}} ]=[ P ] $
$ \therefore $ $ [a]=[P]\ [V^{2}]=[M{{L}^{-1}}{{T}^{-2}}]\ \times [L^{6}] $ = $ [ML^{5}{{T}^{-2}}] $

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