Physics And Measurement Question 362

Question: In C.G.S. system the magnitutde of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, metre and minute, the magnitude of the force is

[EAMCET 2001]


A) 0.036

B) 0.36

C) 3.6

D) 36

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Correct Answer: C


$ n _{2}=n _{1}{{( \frac{M _{1}}{M _{2}} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{L _{1}}{L _{2}} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{T}{T _{2}} )}^{-2}} $ = $ 100{{( \frac{gm}{kg} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{cm}{m} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{\sec }{min} )}^{-2}} $ = $ 100{{( \frac{gm}{10^{3}gm} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{cm}{10^{2}cm} )}^{1}}{{( \frac{\sec }{60\sec } )}^{-2}} $

n2 = $ \frac{3600}{10^{3}}=3.6 $

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