Physics And Measurement Question 340

Question: If $ u _{1} $ and $ u _{2} $ are the units selected in two systems of measurement and $ n _{1} $ and $ n _{2} $ their numerical values, then

[SCRA 1986]


A) $ n _{1}u _{1}=n _{2}u _{2} $

B) $ n _{1}u _{1}+n _{2}u _{2}=0 $

C) $ n _{1}n _{2}=u _{1}u _{2} $

D) $ (n _{1}+u _{1})=(n _{2}+u _{2}) $

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Correct Answer: A


Physical quantity (p) = Numerical value (n) $ \times $ Unit (u) If physical quantity remains constant then n µ 1/u \ n1u1 = n2u2 .

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