Physics And Measurement Question 25

Question: If the acceleration due to gravity is $ 10m{{s}^{-2}} $ and the units of length and time are changed in kilometer and hour respectively, the numerical value of the acceleration is

[Kerala PET 2002]


A) 360000

B) 72,000

C) 36,000

D) 129600

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Correct Answer: D


$ n _{2}=n _{1}{{[ \frac{L _{1}}{L _{2}} ]}^{1}}{{[ \frac{T _{1}}{T _{2}} ]}^{-2}} $

$ =10{{[ \frac{meter}{km} ]}^{1}}{{[ \frac{\sec }{hr} ]}^{-2}} $

$ n _{2}=10{{[ \frac{m}{10^{3}m} ]}^{1}}{{[ \frac{\sec }{3600\sec } ]}^{-2}} $

$ =129600 $

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