Physics And Measurement Question 226

Question: In a certain system of units, 1 unit of time is 5 sec, 1 unit of mass is 20 kg and 1 unit of length is 10m. In this system, one unit of power will correspond to-


A) 16 watts

B) $ \frac{1}{16} $ watts

C) 25 watts

D) $ \frac{1}{25} $ watts

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ 1sec*=5sec,1kg*=20kg,1m*=10m $

$ 1watt=1kgm^{2}{{\sec }^{-3}} $

$ =\frac{1}{20}kg*{{( \frac{1}{10}m* )}^{2}}{{( \frac{1}{5}\sec * )}^{-3}} $

$ =\frac{1}{20}\times \frac {1}{100}\times 125kg* m*^{2} \sec *^{-3}$=

$\frac{1}{16}watt* $

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