Physics And Measurement Question 219

Question: The electric field is given by $ \overset{\to }{\mathop{E}}=\frac{A}{x^{3}}\hat{i}+By\hat{j}+Cz^{2}\hat{k} $ .The SI units of A, B and C are respectively:

[where x, y and z are in m]


A) $ \frac{N-m^{3}}{x^{3}},V/m^{2},N/m^{2}-C $

B) $ V-m^{2},V/m,N/m^{2}-C $

C) $ V/m^{2},V/m,N-C/m^{2} $

D) $ V/m,N-m^{3}/C,N-C/m $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Unit of Electric field $ (E)=(N/C)=(V/m) $

So, unit of $ A=E\times x^{3}=\frac{N-m^{3}}{C}=(V-m^{2}) $

Unit of $ B=E/y=\frac{N}{mc}=( \frac{V}{m^{2}} ) $

Unit of $ C=E/z^{2}=\frac{N}{m^{2}c}=( \frac{V}{m^{3}} ) $

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