Physics And Measurement Question 169

Question: A body travels uniformly a distance of (13.8 ±0.2) m in a time (4.0 ± 0.3) s. The velocity of the body within error limits is


A) (3.45 ± 0.2) ms-1

B) (3.45 ± 0.3) ms-1

C) (3.45 ± 0.4) ms-1

D) (3.45 ± 0.5) ms-1

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Correct Answer: B


Here, $ S=(13.8\pm 0.2) $ m and $ t=(4.0\pm 0.3) $ sec E

xpressing it in percentage error, we have, $ S=13.8\pm \frac{0.2}{13.8}\times 100$%$=13.8\pm 1.4$%$ $ and $ t=4.0\pm \frac{0.3}{4}\times 100$%$=4\pm 7.5$%$

$ \because V=\frac{s}{t} $

$ =\frac{13.8\pm 1.4}{4\pm 7.5}=(3.45\pm 0.3)\ m/s. $

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