Optics Question 972

Question: With respect to air critical angle in a medium for light of red colour $ [{\lambda _{1}}] $ is q. Other facts remaining same, critical angle for light of yellow colour $ [{\lambda _{2}} $ ] will be [MP PET 1999]


A) $ \theta $

B) More than $ \theta $

C) Less than $ \theta $

D) $ \frac{\theta {\lambda _{1}}}{{\lambda _{2}}} $

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Correct Answer: C


Critical angle = $ {{\sin }^{-1}}( \frac{1}{\mu } ) $ \ $ \theta ={{\sin }^{-1}}( \frac{1}{{\mu _{{\lambda _{1}}}}} ) $ and $ \theta ‘={{\sin }^{-1}}( \frac{1}{{\mu _{{\lambda _{2}}}}} ) $

Since $ {\mu _{{\lambda _{2}}}}>{\mu _{{\lambda _{1}}}} $ , hence $ \theta ‘<\theta $

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