Optics Question 886

Question: The first diffraction minimum due to the single slit diffraction is seen at $ 9=30{}^\circ $ for a light of wavelength 5000 A falling perpendicularly on the slit. The width of the slit is


A) $ 2.5\times {{10}^{-5}}cm $

B) $ 1.25\times {{10}^{-5}}cm $

C) $ 10\times {{10}^{-5}}cm $

D) $ 5\times {{10}^{-5}}cm $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] For first minimum, $ d\sin \theta =\lambda $

$ \Rightarrow d=\frac{\lambda }{\sin \theta }=\frac{5000\times {{10}^{-8}}cm}{\sin 30^{o}} $

$ \frac{=5000\times {{10}^{-8}}cm}{{\scriptstyle{}^{1}/{} _{2}}}=10\times {{10}^{-5}}cm $

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