Optics Question 675

Question: A magnifying glass is to be used at the fixed object distance of 1 inch. If it is to produce an erect image magnified 5 times its focal length should be

[MP PMT 1990]


A) 0.2 inch

B) 0.8 inch

C) 1.25 inch

D) 5 inch

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Correct Answer: C


$ m=\frac{v}{u}=5\Rightarrow v=5 $ inch (Given u = 1 inch)

Using sign convention $ u=-\ 1\ inch,\ \ v=-\ 5\ inch $

$ \therefore \frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}=\frac{1}{-5}-\frac{1}{-1}\Rightarrow f=1.25\ inch $

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