Optics Question 632

Question: The distance between an object and the screen is 100 cm. A lens produces an image on the screen when placed at either of the positions 40 cm apart. The power of the lens is

[SCRA 1994]


A) $ \approx $ 3 dioptres

B) $ \approx $ 5 dioptres

C) $ \approx $ 7 diopters

D) $ \approx $ 9 diopters

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Correct Answer: B


$ f=\frac{D^{2}-x^{2}}{4D} $ (Focal length by displacement method)

$ \Rightarrow f=\frac{{{(100)}^{2}}-{{(40)}^{2}}}{4\times 40}=21\ cm $

$ \therefore P=\frac{100}{f}=\frac{100}{21}\approx 5D $

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