Optics Question 606

Question: A lens is placed between a source of light and a wall. It forms images of area $ A _{1} $ and $ A _{2} $ on the wall for its two different positions. The area of the source or light is

[CBSE PMT 1995]


A) $ \frac{A _{1}+A _{2}}{2} $

B) $ {{[ \frac{1}{A _{1}}+\frac{1}{A _{2}} ]}^{-1}} $

C) $ \sqrt{A _{1}A _{2}} $

D) $ {{[ \frac{\sqrt{A _{1}}+\sqrt{A _{2}}}{2} ]}^{2}} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ m _{1}=\frac{A _{1}}{O} $ and $ m _{2}=\frac{A _{2}}{O} $

$ \Rightarrow m _{1}m _{2}=\frac{A _{1}A _{2}}{O _{2}} $ .

Also it can be proved that $ m _{1}m _{2}=1 $ .

So $ O=\sqrt{A _{1}A _{2}} $

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