Optics Question 559

Question: Light passes successively through two polarimeters tubes each of length 0.29m. The first tube contains dextro rotatory solution of concentration 60kgm?3 and specific rotation 0.01rad m222222222222222222222kg?1. The second tube contains laevo rotatory solution of concentration 30kg/m3 and specific rotation 0.02 radm2kg?1. The net rotation produced is

[KCET 2002]


A) 15°

B) 0°

C) 20°

D) 10°

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Correct Answer: B


Rotation produced q = Slc Net rotation produced qr = q1 ? q2 = l (S1c1 ? S2c2) = 0.29 ´ [0.01 ´ 60 ? 0.02 ´ 30] = 0

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