Optics Question 381

Question: The focal length of objective and eye lens of a astronomical telescope are respectively 2 m and 5 cm. Final image is formed at (i) least distance of distinct vision (ii) infinity. The magnifying power in both cases will be

[MP PMT/PET 1988]


A) - 48,- 40

B) - 40,- 48

C) - 40, 48

D) - 48, 40

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Correct Answer: A


When the final image is at the least distance of distinct vision, then $ m=-\frac{f _{o}}{f _{e}}( 1+\frac{f _{e}}{D} )=\frac{200}{5}( 1+\frac{5}{25} )=\frac{200\times 6}{5\times 5}=-\ 48 $ When the final image is at infinity, then $ m=\frac{-f _{o}}{f _{e}}=\frac{200}{5}=-\ 40 $

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