Optics Question 328

Question: For skywave propagation of a 10 MHz signal, what should be the minimum electron density in ionosphere

[AFMC 2005]


A) $ \tilde{\ }1.2\times 10^{12}{{m}^{-3}} $

B) $ \tilde{\ }10^{6}{{m}^{-3}} $

C) $ \tilde{\ }10^{14}{{m}^{-3}} $

D) $ \tilde{\ }10^{22}{{m}^{-3}} $

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Correct Answer: A


If maximum electron density of the ionosphere is N max per m3 then the critical frequency fc­ is given by $ f _{c}=9{{({N _{\max }})}^{1/2}}. $

Therefore $ 1\times 10^{6}=9{{(N)}^{1/2}} $

Therefore N = 1.2 x 1012 m^-3

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