Optics Question 305

Question: An electromagnetic wave travels along z-axis. Which of the following pairs of space and time varying fields would generate such a wave

[CBSE PMT 1994]


A) $ E _{x},B _{y} $

B) $ E _{y},B _{x} $

C) $ E _{z},B _{x} $

D) $ E _{y},B _{z} $

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Correct Answer: A


$ E _{x} $ and $ B _{y} $ would generate a plane EM wave travelling in z-direction. $ \vec{E} $ , $ \vec{B} $ and $ \vec{k} $ form a right handed system $ \vec{k} $ is along z-axis. As $ \hat{i}\times \hat{j}=\hat{k} $

Therefore $ E _{x}\hat{i}\times B _{y}\hat{j}=C\hat{k} $ i.e. E is along x-axis and B is along y-axis.

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