Optics Question 184

Question: A 20 cm length of a certain solution causes right-handed rotation of 38°. A 30cm length of another solution causes left-handed rotation of 24°. The optical rotation caused by 30cm length of a mixture of the above solutions in the volume ratio 1 : 2 is

[KCET 2001]


A) Left handed rotation of 14°

B) Right handed rotation of 14°

C) Left handed rotation of 3°

D) Right handed rotation of 3°

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Correct Answer: D


As q µ l Volume ratio 1 : 2 in a tube of length 30 cm means 10 cm length of first solution and 20 cm length of second solution .

Rotation produced by 10 cm length of first solution $ {\theta _{1}}=\frac{38{}^\circ }{20}\times 10=19{}^\circ $

Rotation produced by 20cm length of second solution $ {\theta _{2}}=-\frac{24{}^\circ }{30}\times 20=-16{}^\circ $

Total rotation produced = 19° ? 16° = 3°

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