Optics Question 132

Question: In a grease spot photometer light from a lamp with dirty chimney is exactly balanced by a point source distance 10 cm from the grease spot. On clearing the chimney, the point source is moved 2 cm to obtain balance again. The percentage of light absorbed by dirty chimney is nearly


A) 56%

B) 44%

C) 36%

D) 64%

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Correct Answer: C


The actual luminous intensity of the lamp is $ I _{1} $ whereas the intensity is $ I _{1}^{\prime } $ in the dirty state. I position, $ \frac{I _{1}^{\prime }}{I _{2}}={{( \frac{x}{10} )}^{2}} $ II position, $ \frac{I _{1}}{I _{2}}={{( \frac{x}{8} )}^{2}} $

$ \Rightarrow \frac{I _{1}^{\prime }}{I _{1}}=0.64 $

$ \Rightarrow \ I _{1}^{\prime }=0.64I _{1} $ . Thus, % of light absorbed = 36%.

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