Optics Question 1078

Question: In the Young’s double slit experiment, the spacing between two slits is 0.1 mm. If the screen is kept at a distance of 1.0 m from the slits and the wavelength of light is 5000 Å, then the fringe width is

[MP PMT 1993; RPET 1996]


A) 1.0 cm

B) 1.5 cm

C) 0.5 cm

D) 2.0 cm

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Correct Answer: C


$ \beta =\frac{\lambda D}{d}=\frac{5000\times {{10}^{-10}}\times 1}{0.1\times {{10}^{-3}}}m=5\times {{10}^{-3}}m=0.5\ cm $ .

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