Laws Of Motion Question 94

Question: A particle of mass m moving with velocity u makes an elastic one dimensional collision with a stationary particle of mass m. They are in contact for a very short time T. Their force of interaction increases from zero to F0 linearly in time T/2, and decreases linearly to zero in further time T/2. The magnitude of F0 is


A) $ mu/T $

B) $ 2mu/T $

C) $ mu/2T $

D)None of these

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Correct Answer: B


In elastic one dimensional collision particle rebounds with same speed in opposite direction i.e. change in momentum $ =2mu $

But Impulse $ =F\times T= $ Change in momentum therefore $ F _{0}\times T=2mu $

therefore $ F _{0}=\frac{2mu}{T} $

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