Laws Of Motion Question 85

Question: Two blocks are connected by a string as shown in the diagram. The upper block is hung by another string. A force F applied on the upper string produces an acceleration of $ 2m/s^{2} $ in the upward direction in both the blocks. If T and $ {T}’ $ be the tensions in the two parts of the string, then [AMU (Engg.) 2000]


A) $ T=70.8N $ and $ {T}’=47.2N $

B) $ T=58.8N $ and $ {T}’=47.2N $

C) $ T=70.8N $ and $ {T}’=58.8N $

D) $ T=70.8N $ and $ {T}’=0 $

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Correct Answer: A


FBD of mass 2 kg FBD of mass 4kg $ T-{T}’-20=4 $ ..(i)

$ {T}’-40=8 $ -(ii)

By solving (i) and (ii) $ {T}’=47.23N $ and $ T=70.8N $

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