Laws Of Motion Question 419

Question: Two men of masses m and m/2 starts climbing up on two massless strings fixed at the ceiling with acceleration g and g/2 respectively. The ratio of tensions in the two strings will be:


A) 2 : 1

B) 4 : 1

C) 4 : 3

D) 8 : 3

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Correct Answer: D


[d] FBD of man of mass(m) FBD of man of mass (m/2)

$ T _{1}=mg+mg $

$ T _{2}=\frac{m}{2}g+\frac{m}{2}.\frac{g}{2} $

$ T _{1}=2mg $

$ T _{2}=\frac{mg}{2}[ \frac{3}{2} ]=\frac{3mg}{4} $

$ \Rightarrow $ $ T _{1}:T _{2}::8:3 $

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