Laws Of Motion Question 401

Question: Mass of block A is 10 kg. Coefficient of friction between the block A and surface is 0.3. What is the maximum values of M for which system remains in equilibrium$ ( g=10m/s^{2} ) $


A) 2 kg

B) 6 kg

C) 3 kg

D) 5 kg

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Correct Answer: C


Maximum friction force between block A and surface is:

$ {f _{ _{\max }}}=\mu mg=( 0.3 )( 10 )( 10 )=30N $

Therefore, maximum tension in the string connected with block A should be 30 N.


$ T’\cos 45{}^\circ =30 $ …(1)

$ T’sin45{}^\circ =Mg $ ….(2)

From equations (1) and (2), M = 3 kg

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