Laws Of Motion Question 299

Question: A satellite in a force free space sweeps stationary interplanetary dust at a rate$ ( dM/dt )=av $ . The acceleration of satellite is


A) $ \frac{-2\alpha v^{2}}{M} $

B) $ \frac{-\alpha v^{2}}{M} $

C) $ \frac{-\alpha v^{2}}{2M} $

D) $ -\alpha v^{2} $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] Thrust on the satellite, $ F=\frac{-vdM}{dt}=-v( \alpha v )=-\alpha v^{2} $

$ \text{Acceleration =}\frac{F}{M}=\frac{-\alpha v^{2}}{M} $

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