Laws Of Motion Question 288

Question: Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg moving with same velocities are stopped by the same force. Then the ratio of their stopping distances is


A) $ 1:2 $

B) $ 2:1 $

C) (c)$ \sqrt{2}:1 $

D) $ 1:\sqrt{2} $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ S=\frac{V^{2}-U^{2}}{2a}\text{ and }a=F/m,\text{ so} $

$ \frac{S _{1}}{S _{2}}=\frac{( \frac{0-U^{2}}{2F/m} )}{( \frac{0-U^{2}}{2F/2m} )}=1.2 $

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