Laws Of Motion Question 246

Question: An automobile travelling with a speed of $ 60km/h, $ can brake to stop within a distance of 20 m. If the car is going twice as fast, i.e. 120 km/h, the stopping distance will be [AIEEE 2004]


A) 20 m

B) 40 m

C) 60 m

D) 80 m

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Correct Answer: D


The stopping distance, $ S\propto u^{2} $

$ (\because \ v^{2}=u^{2}-2as) $

therefore $ \frac{S _{2}}{S _{1}}={{( \frac{u _{2}}{u _{1}} )}^{2}}={{( \frac{120}{60} )}^{2}}=4 $

therefore $ S_2=4\times S_1=4\times 20=80m $

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