Laws Of Motion Question 214

Question: Two balls of masses $ m _{1} $ and $ m _{2} $ are separated from each other by a powder charge placed between them. The whole system is at rest on the ground. Suddenly the powder charge explodes and masses are pushed apart. The mass $ m _{1} $ travels a distance $ s _{1} $ and stops. If the coefficients of friction between the balls and ground are same, the mass $ m _{2} $ stops after travelling the distance [BHU 1994]


A) $ s _{2}=\frac{m _{1}}{m _{2}}s _{1} $

B) $ s _{2}=\frac{m _{2}}{m _{1}}s _{1} $

C) $ s _{2}=\frac{m _{1}^{2}}{m _{2}^{2}}s _{1} $

D) $ s _{2}=\frac{m _{2}^{2}}{m _{1}^{2}}s _{1} $

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Correct Answer: C


We know that in the given condition $ s\propto \frac{1}{m^{2}} $

$ \therefore $ $ \frac{s _{2}}{s _{1}}={{( \frac{m{{} _{1}}}{m _{2}} )}^{2}} $

therefore $ s _{2}={{( \frac{m _{1}^{{}}}{m _{2}^{{}}} )}^{2}}\times s _{1} $

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