Laws Of Motion Question 186

Question: A machine gun is mounted on a 2000 kg car on a horizontal frictionless surface. At some instant the gun fires bullets of mass 10 gm with a velocity of 500 m/sec with respect to the car. The number of bullets fired per second is ten. The average thrust on the system is [CPMT 1971]


A) 550 N

B) 50 N

C) 250 N

D) 250 dyne

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Correct Answer: B


u = velocity of bullet $ \frac{dm}{dt}= $

Mass thrown per second by the machine gun= Mass of bullet × Number of bullet fired per second

$ =10\ g\times 10\ bullet/\sec $

$ =100\ g/\sec \ =\ 0.1\ kg/\sec $

$ \therefore $ Thrust $ =\frac{udm}{dt}=500\times 0.1=50\ N $

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