Laws Of Motion Question 168

Question: If a bullet of mass 5 gm moving with velocity 100 m /sec, penetrates the wooden block upto 6 cm. Then the average force imposed by the bullet on the block is [MP PMT 2003]


A) 8300 N

B) 417 N

C) 830 N

D) Zero

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Correct Answer: B


$ u=100\ m/s,\ v=0,\ s=0.06\ m $ Retardation $ =a=\frac{u^{2}}{2s}=\frac{{{(100)}^{2}}}{2\times 0.06}=\frac{1\times 10^{6}}{12} $

$ \therefore $ Force $ =ma=\frac{5\times {{10}^{-3}}\times 1\times 10^{6}}{12}=\frac{5000}{12}=417\ N $

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