Laws Of Motion Question 157

Question: Three blocks of masses $ m _{1},m _{2} $ and $ m _{3} $ are connected by massless strings as shown on a frictionless table. They are pulled with a force $ T _{3}=40N $ . If $ m _{1}=10kg,m _{2}=6kg $ and $ m _{3}=4kg $ , the tension $ T _{2} $ will be [MP PMT/PET 1998]


A) 20 N

B) 40 N

C) 10 N

D) 32 N

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Correct Answer: D


$ T _{2}=(m _{1}+m _{2})\times \frac{T _{3}}{m _{1}+m _{2}+m _{3}}=\frac{(10+6)\times 40}{20} $

$ =32\ N $

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