Laws Of Motion Question 134

Question: A plumb bob is hung from the ceiling of a train compartment. The train moves on an inclined track of inclination $ 30{}^\circ $ with horizontal. The acceleration of train up the plane is $ a=g/2 $ . The angle which the string supporting the bob makes with normal to the ceiling in equilibrium is


A) $ 30{}^\circ $

B) $ {{\tan }^{-1}}(2\sqrt[{}]{3}) $

C) $ {{\tan }^{-1}}(\sqrt[{}]{3}/2) $

D) $ {{\tan }^{-1}}(2) $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ T\sin \theta -mg\sin 30{}^\circ =ma $

$ \Rightarrow T\sin \theta =mg\sin 30{}^\circ +mg/2(i) $

$ T\cos \theta =mg\cos 30{}^\circ (ii) $ Dividing Eqs. (i) by (ii), we get $ \tan \theta =\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} $

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