Laws Of Motion Question 128

Question: Two small spheres each of mass m connected by a string of length $ 2l $ are kept on a smooth horizontal surface. A vertical forceF is applied at the middle of the string. What is maximum value of F for which the spheres do not lose contact with the surface?


A) $ 2mg $

B) $ mg $

C) $ \frac{3mg}{2} $

D) $ 4mg $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ F=2T\sin \theta $ or $ T\sin \theta =\frac{F}{2} $

$ T\sin \theta +N=mg $

$ \Rightarrow N=mg-T\sin \theta $ For no loss of contact: N>0 $ \Rightarrow mg-T\sin \theta >0 $

$ \Rightarrow mg-\frac{F}{2}>0 $

$ \Rightarrow F<2mg $ So $ {F _{\max }}=2mg $

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