Laws Of Motion Question 115

Question: A vehicle of mass m is moving on a rough horizontal road with momentum P. If the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road be m, then the stopping distance is [CBSE PMT 2001]


A) $ \frac{P}{2\mu mg} $

B) $ \frac{P^{2}}{2\mu mg} $

C) $ \frac{P}{2\mu m{{}^{2}}g} $

D) $ \frac{P^{2}}{2\mu m{{}^{2}}g} $

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Correct Answer: D


$ S=\frac{u^{2}}{2\mu g}=\frac{m^{2}u^{2}}{2\mu gm^{2}}=\frac{P^{2}}{2\mu m^{2}g} $

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