Kinematics Question 743

Question: A stone of mass of 16 kg is attached to a string 144 m long and it’s whirled in a horizontal circle. The maximum tension the string can withstand it’s 16 Newton. The maximum velocity of revolution that can be given to the stone without breaking it, will be [SCRA 1994]


A) 20 $ m{{s}^{-1}} $

B)16 $ m{{s}^{-1}} $

C) 14 $ m{{s}^{-1}} $

D)12 $ m{{s}^{-1}} $

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Correct Answer: D


Maximum tension = $ \frac{mv^{2}}{r}=16N $

therefore $ \frac{16\times v^{2}}{144}=16 $

therefore v = 12 m/s

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