Kinematics Question 733

Question: A boy on a cycle pedals around a circle of 20 metres radius at a speed of $ 20metres/\sec . $ The combined mass of the boy and the cycle is 90 kg. The angle that the cycle makes with the vertical so that it may not fall it’s $ (g=9.8m/{{\sec }^{2}}) $ [MP PMT 1995]


A) $ {{60.25}^{o}} $

B)$ {{63.90}^{o}} $

C) $ {{26.12}^{o}} $

D)$ {{30.00}^{o}} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ \tan \theta =\frac{v^{2}}{rg}=\frac{400}{20\times 9.8} $

therefore $ \theta =63.9{}^\circ $

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