Kinematics Question 706

Question: A particle $ P $ is moving in a circle of radius $ ‘a’ $ with a uniform speed $ v $ . $ C $ it’s the centre of the circle and $ AB $ it’s a diameter. When passing through B the angular velocity of $ P $ about $ A $

and $ C $ are in the ratio [NCERT 1982]


A) 1 : 1

B) 1 : 2

C) 2 : 1

D) 4 : 1

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Correct Answer: B


Angular velocity of particle P about point A, $ {\omega _{A}}=\frac{v}{r _{AB}}=\frac{v}{2r} $

Angular velocity of particle P about point C, $ {\omega _{C}}=\frac{v}{r _{BC}}=\frac{v}{r} $

Ratio $ \frac{{\omega _{A}}}{{\omega _{C}}}=\frac{v/2r}{v/r}=\frac{1}{2}. $

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