Kinematics Question 616

Question: A boy can throw a stone up to a maximum height of 10 m. The maximum horizontal distance that the boy can throw the same stone up to will be


A) 20$ \sqrt{2} $ m

B)10 m

C) 10$ \sqrt{2} $ m

D) 20 m

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ \text{R}\text{=}\frac{{{u^{2}}}{{\sin }^{2}}\theta }{g},\text{ H}\text{=}\frac{{{u^{2}}}{{\sin }^{2}}\theta }{2g} $

$ {{\text{H}} _{\max }}\text{ at 2}\theta \text{=}\text{90}{}^\circ \text{ So, }{{\text{H}} _{\max }}=\frac{{{u^{2}}}}{\text{2g}} $

$ \frac{{{u^{2}}}}{\text{2g}}=10\Rightarrow {{u^{2}}}=10g\times 2 $

$ R=\frac{{{u^{2}}}\sin 2\theta }{g}\Rightarrow {R _{\max }}=\frac{{{u^{2}}}}{\text{2g}}=20\text{ meter}\text{.} $

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