Kinematics Question 582

Question: Vector $ \overrightarrow{A} $ makes equal angle with x, y and z-axis. Value of it’s components in terms of magnitude of $ \overrightarrow{A} $ will be


A) $ \frac{\overrightarrow{A}}{\sqrt{3}} $

B)$ \frac{\overrightarrow{A}}{\sqrt{2}} $

C) $ \sqrt{3}\overrightarrow{A} $

D)$ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{\overrightarrow{A}} $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] Let the components of $ \vec{A} $ make angles $ \alpha $ ,$ \beta $ and $ \gamma $ with x, y and z-axis respectively then $ \alpha =\beta =\gamma $ and $ cos^{2}\alpha +cos^{2}\beta +cos^{2}\gamma =1 $

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