Kinematics Question 522

Question: A jet airplane travelling from east to west at a speed of 500$ km{{h}^{-1}} $ ejected out gases of combustion at a speed of 1500$ km{{h}^{-1}} $ with respect to the jet plane. What is the velocity of the gases with respect to an observer on the ground?


A)1000 $ km{{h}^{-1}} $ in the direction west to east

B)1000 $ km{{h}^{-1}} $ in the direction east to west

C)2000 $ km{{h}^{-1}} $ in the direction west to east

D)2000 $ km{{h}^{-1}} $ in the direction east to west

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ \vec{v}A=-500\hat{i} $ and $ \vec{v}GA=1500\hat{i} $

$ \Rightarrow \vec{v}GA+\vec{v}A=\vec{v}GAS $

$ \Rightarrow \vec{v}GAS=1500\hat{i}-500\hat{i}=1000\hat{i} $

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