Kinematics Question 489

Question: A particle $ P $ it’s sliding down a frictionless hem it’spherical bowl. It passes the point$ A $ at $ t=0 $ . At this instant of time, the horizontal component of it’s velocity is $ v $ . A bead $ Q $ of the same mass as $ P $ it’s ejected from $ A $ at $ t=0 $ along the horizontal string $ AB $ with the speed $ v $ . Friction between the bead and the string may be neglected. Let $ t _{P} $ and $ t _{Q} $ be the respective time taken by $ P $ and $ Q $ to reach the point $ B $ . Then [IIT 1993]


A) $ t _{P}<t _{Q} $

B) $ t _{P}=t _{Q} $

C) $ t _{P}>t _{Q} $

D) All of these

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Correct Answer: A


For particle P, motion between A and C will be an accelerated one while between C and B a retarded one. But in any case horizontal component of it’s velocity will be greater than or equal to v on the other hand in case of particle Q, is always equal to v. horizontal displacement of both the particles are equal, so $ t _{P}<t _{Q} $ .

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